Ashland City Elementary STEM Academy Home



Ashland City Elementary STEM Academy is located between Nashville,Tennessee and Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Home of the Wildcats, our school serves Pre-School through 4th Grade with an average enrollment of 430. ACESA has a school-wide Title I program which provides support to address individual student needs. With this strategy in place, we continue to strengthen the core academic program of our school.

Latest News

Breakfast Week

National Breakfast Week- Click HERE for the sign up links

Please join us for National Breakfast Week next week.
Visitors will be able to join their students on the following dates:

Monday, March 3rd

Wednesday, March 5th

Friday, March 7th

All visitors must sign up through the link. You will need to present your ID the morning of at check-in. Check-in will be through the front lobby/office.

Breakfast is from 7:00-7:40 am. Students will need to be in their classrooms by 7:45am to not be counted tardy!

Visitor breakfast: $3.00 Cash Only

Upcoming Events

Apr 3

School Board Meeting

Time: 6 PM
Location: Cheatham County Board Annex, 104 Elizabeth Street, Ashland City